Scarlet Bastos

the Ruling Queen

* The naughtiest doll in Paris!

Language: Pt-BR En

Scarlet Bastos

30 years old Brazilian
1.77 height
76 kg
Brown eyes
Dowry 22cm
I live in Paris France
Value in my place: 200€
number: +33 646037739
Languages: English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.

✅ Poppers.
✅ Lingerie.
✅ Discretion, secrecy.
✅ Domination.
✅ Kisses and love.

Plan 1

✔️ Sensual striptease and masturbation.

✔️ I am a passive and submissive doll, sucking and playing with beautiful members.

✔️ Here where everything happens and there are no taboos, I am queen, dominating my slaves and my submissives.

Plan 2

Plan 3




Delivers everything it promises, wonderful!

Isaul Wherenger

Perfect in every way, worth every penny of the investment (;

Romero Brendler

The best I've ever seen in action :P

Carlos F

Opening hours

Monday to Monday
10am to midnight

Price: €200 for 1 hour


82 bd massena Porte d'Ivry Peris 13eme Paris, France

33 646037739